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My Ten Year Anniversary

Sassie and Dr. Stuhr

Sassie and Dr. Stuhr

It has been a decade since I became the sole owner of the Animal Eye Clinic in Wilton and it stuns me to think of all that has happened over that time. When Dr. David Covitz gave me the keys and I promptly found the basement in the old clinic had flooded the next morning, it hit me right between the eyes that this was now my baby to care for and shape into the practice I wanted it to be. Ten years later, I can gladly say that the journey so far has been a pleasure and that I am happy and proud of what my business here represents to those who use our service.

From the get go, our mission has been to create a warm and friendly atmosphere where our professionalism and expertise creates an atmosphere where you as the client and your pet feel comfortable and reassured that you are in good hands. Our new location (since January 2010) is perfect as we renovated a beautiful house on a hillside property right on Route 7 to accomodate our needs as an out-patient facility. It is bright and cheery, clean with spacious exam rooms to allow examination of all your pets, big and small. My experience is that without the stress, odor and tension of a multispeciality hospital or general practice, most pets here are very comfortable and allow examinations more readily than in those other environments. We hope you will share that feeling.

But the variable that makes us shine is the personality of the staff that supports my philosophy of excellent care in a nurturing environment. My office manager, LisaMarie, technicians Chris and Christina, and receptionists Suzanne and Katie define our excellence by taking care of each individual with great pride and compassion. We take the approach that if we give you the time to learn, make educated decisions and trust the people that are handling your pets, you will be able to make a better and more confident decision than when given the facts alone in a more hectic and less friendly environment. I hire staff based on their skills in handling these situations and insure that we are a cohesive group when it comes to your pet’s care. As a single doctor practice, I rely on my staff to make many phone calls to doctors and clients to pass along information promptly. I trust my staff implicitly in this facet and they have rewarded me with their loyalty of many years devotion to this business. I could not operate without them!

I approach each client in a personal fashion, presenting the the information in the best way I feel gives you the facts in a clear and concise manner. If you need your hand held, we’ll hold it. If you are busy and need to cut to the chase, I do. And if we can’t fit you in but we can schedule a drop off and you accept a phone call with the information later, that can work for us too. We won’t skip the details to lessen the time, just have to make the time to get the information to you from me or my staff. And if we don’t have time to do the best job we can, unfortunately we might have to talk with your veterinarian on the phone and/or potentially recommend you go elsewhere to those with a different philosophy.

The Animal Eye Clinic continues to evolve over time, both in our services and our expertise. I continue to attend meetings and purchase equipment to keep our skills current. The American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists ( is our core governing body that organizes these meetings and other continuing education seminars. It plans the annual Service Dog Month and has developed a list serve that the diplomates of the college can share to ask questions of each other about difficult cases. I continue to educate as well, speaking to local veterinary associations like in Hudson Valley this month and Fairfield County next month. All in all, we hope that if you use our service, you and your pet will be comfortable, confident and happy with the experience here in Wilton.

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